Ironstone Support

Legacy (Discontinued) Products:

Ironstone's product range has grown and evolved over the years. Inevitably some products have been discontinued, superseded or updated.

This legacy (discontinued) products page allows access to the original product information for those items for customer information and reference. Please note, any products listed here are no longer on sale, the information is purely for customer information and historic interest. Simply click the purple title (or thumbnail) to link to the product.



Ironstone Humbuckers:

These monster 15.5K Alnico V Humbucker pickups feature 4 wire configuration for full coil tapping. Dark, velvety tones - an ocean of bass and great attack.




Ironstone Vintage Stratocaster Pickups Origin Alnico Mixed Magnet                   


Ironstone Origin Mixed Magnet Stratocaster pickups:

The Origins aim to capture the purity of 50's and early 60's Stratocaster pickups. An innovative blend of traditional construction, but with radical modern mixed magnet configuration.




       Ironstone Jazz Bass Pickups Alnico V


Ironstone Jazz Bass Pickups

Ironstone's Jazz Bass pickups featured traditional fibre bobbin plates waxed cloth cables and Alnico V magnet poles for rich warm vintage tones.





Jazz Bass Hum Cancelling Dummy Coil


Ironstone Jazz Bass Hum Cancelling Dummy Coil

Suitable for use with Ironstone or other Jazz Bass pickups, this Jazz Bass Hum Cancelling Dummy Coil system is designed as a simple retro-fit to overcome the frustrating mains hum that conventional Jazz Bass pickups suffer from.