Vintage Stratocaster Pickup Covers;
The Ironstone Stratocaster pickup covers sets consist of 3 covers, a universal fit on all Ironstone Stratocaster styles.
They feature pole spacings of;
Neck 50mm
Middle 52mm
Bridge 52mm
Fitting instructions;
These vintage style covers are a push / friction fit. However, depending on the individual pickup winding, some covers may be more snug than others.
Firstly remove the old covers (as applicable), by holding the bobbin base end ears with one hand, and gently wiggling the covers off. Try to keep them close to perpendicular to the the bobbin and just use small rocking end to end movements.
The new covers go on similarly to how the original ones came off. Note that the neck is 50 mm spacing. Simply turn the covers upside down and hold them over the pickup poles to find the 50mm cover from the set of 3.
Stratocaster pickup covers : related links
See Wiring Diagram I See Guitar Pickup Adjustment I See Sound Clips
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